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Log 2019-04-03

Posted on:April 3, 2019 | at 12:00 PM

Naming Conventions

I've been experimenting & making progress with Naming Conventions. Naming conventions for immutable entities has proven to reduce incidental complexity. I'm working on fleshing out the last details & a whitepaper. Please stay tuned. This practice has helped me remove incidental complexity from my codebases.


I'm a fan of Sveltejs & sapper. Svelte provides truly reactive stores & html components. Html components mean it's easy for programmers & non-programmers (e.g. designers) to work with. Svelte is compiled, resulting in a payload that is small, fast, & memory efficient.


Lately, I have been turned onto Holochain. Thanks to Eric Yangfounder of Junto (now Flux Social) for introducing me to this technology.

I’ve read through:

I encourage you to read these papers, as they explain the state of distributed networks & the innovations that Holochain & the Holo currency bring.